So. we just moved into this new house. Well, my friends and I did, and we've only been here for about 4 weeks. Pretty good right? I mean, how often do you hear of a couple of 20 year olds in a HOUSE?! Well anyways, our landlord called us to inform us that some of our neighbors put in complaints at the municipal office!! Apparently we had "too many people on the porch" and we were going "in and out of the house at all hours". I don't know about you, but personally, if someone wants to leave their house at all hours, go for it. Just don't slam the damn car doors at 3am. And besides that, we have two people living there that smoke, and a friend that visits often that smokes, so the most people on the porch, EVER, has been MAYBE 4. I mean, I would almost understand if we had say, 20 people on the porch making a ton of noise, but COME ON!! And as for leaving the house at all hours, the other two that are living there besides myself work LATE AT NIGHT and don't get home until almost midnight at best. Besides, don't others work at night and sleep during the day? I think the main problem I have is not the complaints themselves but the intention to control the actions of the people they are being made about. Both of our neighbors are senior citizens and I can only assume that they are trying to take the "I'm older and you have to listen to me and do things the way I like it" frame of mind. If anyone in the older range is reading this, please comment and tell me otherwise because I hate thinking badly about others because of stereotypes.